Corporate Partnerships

To donate a certain amount per sale can be a beneficial solution for most companies. At Periamma we deeply appreciate partnerships with companies, and we are happy to provide information and materials about progress from the supported projects.

Bedwood donates 1 EUR per online booking. This helps them transition from offline to online bookings, while supporting our projects in Kenya & India.

Copenhagen Downtown Hostel donates 1 EUR per online booking. This helps them transition from offline to online bookings, while supporting our projects in Kenya & India. donates 0.05 DKK per meal sold via their platform. Their donations have over the years sponsored education for more than 1.500 children in India.

Kejser donates 1000 DKK per recruitment assignment. This donation goes to all of Periamma’s work, and Kejser HR receives quarterly updates about the projects.

Microsoft matches employees donations through  Microsoft has on 3 occasions donated their time and expertise to provide technology training on our schools in Kenya & India.

LW International Consulting støtter Periamma med en del af virksomhedens overskud og pengene går til en af Periammas projekter, en oprettelse af et bibliotek på en af skolerne i Kenya.


Kalles databiks støtter Periamma med en årlige donation til Periammas projekter i Kenya.  

OMAC Jewelry donates 10 DKK per sold product. This helps the young business build their brand, and in each box there is a QR code to learn more about the projects supported.

You want to hear more about the possibilities for
a corporate partnership with Periamma?

Contact Martin Bjergegaard:

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