Start Your Own Fundraiser

Thank you for considering starting your own fundraising campaign to help Periamma. Starting your own campaign can seem daring, especially if it’s your first one and we have therefore created this page to help answer some of your possible questions.

Why should I start my own campaign?

Periamma helps children, women, and local communities in four countries – Kenya, Uganda, India, and Thailand – but we are still a rather small and unknown charity compared to many others. A fundraising campaign would therefore not only help raise money for our initiatives, but also raise awareness about our charity.

At Periamma, we firmly believe every single child deserves a quality education – whether you are a boy or a girl. The more people that know about our mission, the more schools and students we can help. Hence, with your help (and hopefully your amazing and loving network) we will be able to help even more children get a better chance at life.

How do I organise a campaign?

That is a good question but luckily, it’s rather easy. 

  1. Decide how you want to raise the money.
    Is your school soon having a talent show and you want to sell baked goods or is your town having a flea market, where you got a stand to sell some of your things? No matter the occasion, we are thankful that you thought of us.

2.  Reach out to us at
If you already know what project you want the money to be used towards, great. If you haven´t decided yet, don´t worry. We can help present all the different projects and schools we support and together, we can also discuss a target goal for your campaign. We are also ready to help if you need any material for PR.

3.  Lastly, we will create a mobile pay number you can use for the campaign – and then you are basically ready to go! Have fun!

When can I do a campaign?

The short answer is: always! You don’t need a special occasion to start a campaign. Thursdays are just as good as Mondays. Here are however a few good ideas that might inspire you. You could…

  • Have a bake sale at your school, work, or club.
  • Swim, bike, or run and gather donations from your network.
  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your birthday, christmas, wedding, graduation, anniversary etc. 
  • Do a yard sale and sell some of the clothes or things you don’t use anymore.
  • Organise an event at your school and invite friends and family such as a talent show, concert, games, challenges, scavenger hunt etc. 
  • Donate a talent such as organising a cooking, sewing, or flower arrangement class.

The opportunities are endless. The only things you truly need are creativity and the motivation to make a difference. Remember that even small donations matter and that we are more than willing to help you along the way. If you reach out to us, we will do our best to assist you in any way we can.

What will the money go towards?

That’s completely up to you. Periamma supports numerous schools as well as a variety of different projects related to education, technology, sustainability, human rights, health, and hygiene. You are therefore more than welcome to support any initiative that is close to your heart. 

You might have read about some of our projects on our Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, but you can also read about all of them here on our website. If you are unsure about what project or school to support, we are always ready to talk.

It’s also possible to raise money for our charity in general and not to a specific project or school. In that case, we will evaluate where your contribution will benefit the most and let you know.

Do you wish to start a fundraising campaign or do you have any questions?

 Contact Aske M. Sørensen:

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